
EAN Product Mapping

Cdiscount Module

Informations about your catalogue

Information tab in Product Mapping


This part is one of the most important before starting your activity on Cdiscount. Indeed, it will allow you to identify your products on Cdiscount using their EAN.

In this first tab, you will find all the statistical information concerning your catalogue. In one page, you know how many products are to be identified, sent in the product flow or the offer flow.

The line "Number of products waiting for validation mapping" is very important and allows you to know if you have products to validate according to their EAN mapping. This action is performed in the next tab.

Product Mapping

Go to the "Products" section


If in the information, you have several products to map with Cdiscount, then click on the button "Asscoier les produits en attente". We collect the EANs of your products and send them to Cdiscount in order to know if products are already created on the marketplace.


The table just underneath must then be filled with the information of the product on your shop on one side and the information of the product identified on Cdiscount on the other side. By comparing the photo, the title and more, you have the possibility to refuse or validate the mapping.


By validating, the product in your shop will therefore already be created on Cdiscount and will be sent in the offer flow.


By refusing, the product will not be sent in any stream and will be waiting for an action from you. Once the problem has been solved in terms of its bad EAN mapping, you will have to modify on the product file its sending mode in the feed with the value "Update".


Category mapping

Last part of the tab "Product EAN Mapping"

After having identified some of your products on Cdiscount, we retrieve the information from the categories to help you for the rest.

Indeed, in the third tab "categories", all the identified categories are present with those corresponding to your shop. By checking the correct association, you can create a rule for each category. The creation of rules is important for the further configuration of the module.

Attention, even if you have created all the rules necessary for your catalog, the configuration of each rule is mandatory and available in the next tab.


EAN Product Mapping

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