
Characteristics mapping

Cdiscount Module

Cdiscount properties mapping


This page allows you to associate your attributes and features with Cdiscount's properties. The mapping will have the effect of replacing your PrestaShop value by the associated Cdiscount value in the products feed.

Cdiscount variants mapping



In the same way as for properties mapping, this page allows you to associate your attributes and features with the Cdiscount variants. The mapping will have the effect of replacing your PrestaShop value by the associated Cdiscount value in the products feed.

It is NECESSARY to carry out this mapping for the export of the combinations (variant products) in your Cdiscount catalog.

SIZES: The sizes being values bounded by Cdiscount, the mapping of attributes and features must be done for the values as well.

COLORS: The colors being free values, it is not obligatory to carry out the mapping for the values. Only attributes and features must be mapped.

A second mapping appears at the top of this page. This one allows you to define the PrestaShop attributes and features that correspond to a size or a color. For the export of variants, this mapping is NECESSARY.

Characteristics mapping

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